"And sometimes when i am falling flying or tumbling in turmoil I say, oh so this is what she means" Paul Simon - Graceland
I feel like a human trampoline. I am lost and ungrounded and it is both terrifying and beautiful.
Most of the time I think that just like anyone else I try too hard to be "perfect" or "normal", and not enough of my time letting myself deal with my emotions.
It is easy to forget how much anyone person has on their plate at any given time. Each of us has family, work, friendships, relationships, maybe children, or second jobs, and in my case continuing my education. All of these areas of our lives require our attention, and this is on top of just our basic needs like sleep (when we are lucky), stuffing some food in our faces and taking a shower.
Maybe it is ok to feel like a human trampoline sometimes. Letting go of some control and allowing yourself to be sad, scared, mad, hurt, lonely, or whatever else you might be feeling is ok. Recognizing why you feel how you feel and validating those feelings by examining the stresses in your life can only help be better equipped to deal with the challenges, disappointments, or tragedies that you will encounter.
So in 2010, I am going to cry when I am upset or sad. I am going to let myself be mad if someone is inconsiderate of my feelings, and I will tell them so and why in a calm and articulate manor. When I want to be alone, I am not forcing myself to go out. When I am going through a lot, I will sit down and write about how I feel. Also I will not feel guilty if I need chocolate and girly movies.
I feel like a human trampoline. I am lost and ungrounded and it is both terrifying and beautiful.
Most of the time I think that just like anyone else I try too hard to be "perfect" or "normal", and not enough of my time letting myself deal with my emotions.
It is easy to forget how much anyone person has on their plate at any given time. Each of us has family, work, friendships, relationships, maybe children, or second jobs, and in my case continuing my education. All of these areas of our lives require our attention, and this is on top of just our basic needs like sleep (when we are lucky), stuffing some food in our faces and taking a shower.
Maybe it is ok to feel like a human trampoline sometimes. Letting go of some control and allowing yourself to be sad, scared, mad, hurt, lonely, or whatever else you might be feeling is ok. Recognizing why you feel how you feel and validating those feelings by examining the stresses in your life can only help be better equipped to deal with the challenges, disappointments, or tragedies that you will encounter.